> > What both of you are doing is reverse proxying Galene's web server and > WebSocket endpoint while leaving the media endpoints exposed to the > Internet. That's fine, and there are many circumstances where it is > useful. > Here a way to do it using Traefik version 2 , galene not running in a container on a machine of local address and of external public name THE_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME_OF_THE_GALENE_SERVER The DMZ of my nat (Freebox pop internet box) is set to In the docker-compose that contains the traefik service description , in the label section just add - "traefik.http.routers.visio.entrypoints=web,websecure" - "traefik.http.routers.visio.service=visio@file" - "traefik.http.routers.visio.rule=Host(`THE_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME_OF_THE_GALENE_SERVER`)" Now in the file that describe the external service (in my case service.toml: [http] [http.services] [http.services.visio] [http.services.visio.loadBalancer] [[http.services.visio.loadBalancer.servers]] url = "" Now, in galene data/config.json, put : { "proxyURL": "https://THE_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME_OF_THE_GALENE_SERVER/" } From the galene installation directory run : ./galene -insecure -turn THE_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME_OF_THE_GALENE_SERVER:1194 All the best Fabrice.