
Thank you for open-sourcing Galene. I already love it! Its a breeze to get it up and running.
I'm currently evaluating it on a VPS behind a NGINX proxy (https://galene.ca11.app/).

From a fork (https://github.com/garage44/galene/) I'm trying out some ideas. Hope these bulletpoints don't
offend anyone; I'm just excited about the software and looking for ways to contribute. Probably not useful for
the project at all, but maybe some things might stick:

* Create small docker image for one-line "try-out" setup (not tested from other machines)
Most people seem to love short readme texts with just a few setup steps. Maybe a minimal
docker image is a good way to have an even faster "try-out" experience for interested people?

* Move most documentation from the README to a Github wiki (https://github.com/garage44/galene/wiki)
A lot of documentation in the README! How about moving it a level further away from the README, 
so the README only contains a project description and the bare minimum of setup/developer instructions?
This would also make it easier for users to contribute documentation, without intervering with the code-base.

* Rename README to README.md
It's annoying that Github doesn't parse a README as markdown by default, but it improves the readability
on the Github frontpage a lot. The Github readme seems to be the landing page for most people new to an
open-source project. Maybe that would make it worth considering to rename it after all?

* Option to disable TLS
Would it be an idea to let Nginx sort this out? Most people are already familiar with a Letsencrypt/Certbot/Nginx
setup. Galene could have less config in that case to worry about.

