Hello Juliusz,
I am testing Galène in a Raspberry Pi behind a NAT with port 1194 open and `-udp-range 49152-65535` range of UDP ports open

Relay test connection in the logs seems successful but In the chat console, with /relay-test, I get `Relay test failed: Error: timeout`

And then there is this handshake error that I can’t explain…

Sep 10 13:38:55 galene[30729]: 2021/09/10 13:38:55 Starting built-in TURN server on xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1194
Sep 10 13:38:55 galene[30729]: 2021/09/10 13:38:55 Relay test successful in 139.616567ms, RTT = 1.707406ms
Sep 10 13:50:13 galene[30729]: 2021/09/10 13:50:13 http: TLS handshake error from EOF

The server seems to be functional (but I couldn't try outside NAT network)
