
Ok; Thanks Antonin. Indeed, profiling the binary is not very useful in a prod environment, except if there is a memory leak somewhere... I will keep using basic monitoring tools to benchmark IOs/CPU/memory/network.


Le 12/04/2021 à 10:07, Antonin Décimo a écrit :
Then, I also added a configuration file to source in
/etc/default/galene, containing (after creating the /var/log
directories) :

ARGS=" -memprofile /var/log/galene/mem.log -cpuprofile
I'm not sure if it's really useful to benchmark Galène, unless you
really want to use the profiler data to try to further optimize

By the way, if anyone knows how to use these {cpu,mem} profile files
- https://golang.org/doc/diagnostics#profiling for an introduction;
- https://blog.golang.org/pprof for the complete tutorial.

-- Antonin