
However, thinking about the logs, I do not know if this is already possible, but it would be useful for a galène administrator to get additional metadata about galene events. My "stats" page is almost empty (with only the group names; maybe it is because the server is not really active for now...).

Nginx already provides some interesting stuff (if it is used as a proxy, or any other proxy tool), but IMHO, it lacks information about who is entering in which room, the total amount of time for an active room, the maximum/average number of people/audience...

Would it be possible (if it is not already possible) to add these kind of data/output in a log flat file ?

Best regards,


Le 12/04/2021 à 13:31, Juliusz Chroboczek a écrit :
ARGS=" -memprofile /var/log/galene/mem.log -cpuprofile

I'm not sure if it's really useful to benchmark Galène, unless you
really want to use the profiler data to try to further optimize Galène.
I agree.

-- Juliusz

Dernat Rémy
Chef de projet SI, CNRS
Infrastructure des Systèmes d'Information ISI
ISEM Montpellier