On Jul 10, 2023, at 7:12 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek <jch@irif.fr> wrote:

Can you try the builds from my latest PR?

Doesn't work :-(

The SDP exchange works fine, the SDP looks correct (with just host
candidates from the client, but a full set of candidates from the server).
The client is sending a UDP/IPv6 flow to the server, the packets reach the
server, but the server-side OnTrack callback never triggers.

The source/destination addresses do seem to correspond to a pair of host

FWIW, my code works fine against https://web.whip.eyevinn.technology/

-- Juliusz

I am sure a bug in OBS! Do you see RTP packets flowing in tcpdump?

H264 is enabled in Galene?

I will check it out tonight and get a fix in OBS! Sorry about the breakage.

Does https://github.com/Glimesh/broadcast-box work for you? Pion based WHIP/WHEP server to compare against