Hi all,

Something I can not explain or that might have a simple solution I didn’t find.

I have installed Galène on a raspberry behind a NAT (Freebox) using a reverse proxy and the built-in turn in the following way :

- Virtual machine M1 with a reverse proxy (Traefik) 

- Raspberry M2 with Galene using the built-in turn server on port 1194 and the insecure option, precisely galene -insecure -turn <EXTERNAL IP>:1194

The nat (Freebox) : ports 80 and 443 are forwarded to M1, port 1194 to M2

This configuration works perfectly (Safari, Chrome, Brave clients) except with firefox clients

It seems that problems occur also for Jitsi : https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/issues/4758



Fabrice Rouillier

Bureau virtuel : https://www.rouillier.fr/visio/fabrice

Le 29 avr. 2021 à 19:12, Juliusz Chroboczek <jch@irif.fr> a écrit :

I'm preparing Galène for simulcast, and that has caused some changes to
the protocol.  In short, tracks are no longer labelled, we're labelling
streams, and we now use the track.kind and track.rid fields to

This has some consquences both on the protocol and the protocol.js
interface.  At the protocol.js level:

 * there is no longer a c.labels dictionary;
 * there is a new c.label field;
 * there is no longer a c.kind field, since c.label subsumes it;
 * the syntax of the sc.request method has changed.

I've added a new sc.users dictionary, that contains some information about
all the users in the group:

 - username;
 - permissions (op, etc.);
 - status (raised hand, etc.);
 - published streams.

Alain is planning to use this information in order to make the users' list
more informative.

I've also switched to a more recent API (addTransceiver instead of
addTrack); however, this should not break anything on reasonably recent

-- Juliusz

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