If you want something headless you can run https://github.com/centricular/gstcefsrc

That will give you a GStreamer pipeline that can go to RTMP etc…

If that sounds like what you want happy to answer questions/helpset it up. 

On Dec 31, 2023, at 12:58, Fabrice Rouillier <fabrice@rouillier.fr> wrote:


Just catch the window of your navigator with OBS and you are Done


Le 31 déc. 2023 à 17:38, Karsten Hahn <public@hahn.ws> a écrit :


at first, I have installed galene today and I am very impressed! The quality is great. Thanks a lot for this application!

I was thinking about streaming a complete meeting as a livestream on youtube. Is this possible? Has anyone had any experience with this? Maybe a transcoder from WebRTS to RTSP is necessary? You see, I'm not really an expert in this domain :-)

Thanks for any tips and best regards,
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