Excellent.  Could you please provide me with a link to the conference, so
I can produce it in my next activity report?

See the pdf attached. Starting from May 12 another cycle (1/2 heure de science) will use the same setup.

And the pointer for both  : https://live.paris.inria.fr/

(The page is new … so incomplete)

I see.  Hopefully we can have native support for OBS in Galene once they
implement WebRTC, but I wouldn't hold my breath, the OBS team don't seem
too interested in improving their networking stack.

The current problem is that for streaming correctly the slides, I mean having a good resolution that make them readable, I need to force the 4K resolution in the embedded navigator of OBS (because the slides have the same size in the Galene window than the webcams and it there is 3 webcams + the slides are quite small) and this seems to have consequences on the frame rate which seems to fall around 15 images per second.

An alternative is to use the pip, but in that case I can not use the embedded navigator and then I can not fix the settings so that one have just to push « stream » in the next session (force to crop and select the right window, etc.). The objective is that anyone can activate the stream just pushing some button.

All the best.
