Hi, I'm working on adding context actions (groupAction/userAction) with optional custom messages to Pyrite. After performing an action, I would like to add a notification to all users that are affected by the action. For instance, to clear the chat, an operator would do: "connection.groupAction('clearchat')" Next, all users (including the operator) receive a user message (onusermessage) with kind 'clearchat', that triggers a notification in Pyrite. This, together with echo, is a nice central place to trigger action notifications from. If I do something similar for lock, e.g. "connection.groupAction('lock')", I would now check the "joined" (kind "change") event for the locked status. (Would it be possible to have the locked property in there all the time, even if it's not locked?) For record/unrecord, I would check the onUser event for a user with name RECORDING. Would it be an idea to trigger user messages for groupAction commands? This may be a good place to store the custom message as well? I can't seem to get to the custom groupAction message now, (e.g. "connection.groupAction('lock', 'My custom message')") With userAction, e.g. "userAction('kick', user.id, 'Custom message')", this would trigger a user message with kind 'error'. Using a custom message prefix, I could identify the action that triggered the custom 'error' message, but maybe a 'kick' kind of message would be more appropriate? Could groupAction do something similar, or did I overlook something? Cheers, Jeroen